7 Pet Travel Blogs You Should Be Following

My Pet Cab | May 12, 2020 2:07:00 PM | Pet Tips

Okay, so you want to know what your pet-friendly travel options are before you leave your home. To get this info, you do what most people do: you search Google, and come across pet travel blogs like the one you’re reading right now. But, how do you know you’re getting the right advice from the pet travel bloggers that you’re following?

It helps to have a list of reliable and active pet travel blogs and pet care resources to follow. So, without further ado, here are some blogs (and other resources) that you can follow to get reliable advice for when you take trips with pets.

The Pet Travel Blog/Resource List

1: Your Local Pet Shelter

While not all pet shelters maintain a blog, your local pet shelter can be a great place to start for more information about how to properly care for and travel with your pet. If you’re looking for ways to go pet friendly, then your local shelter should be able to provide you with an excellent basis to start.

Plus, you may even be able to find a cute companion for your pet—and thus rescue another animal that needs a loving home. You should be able to find your local pet shelter by searching “pet shelters in (your county/city name).”

2: The American Kennel Club (AKC)

The American Kennel Club has a wealth of resources for taking care of (and traveling with) pets of all kinds. Whether you’re looking for pet-friendly travel options or need advice for taking care of your pets, the AKC blog is an excellent resource.

3: The Humane Society of the United States

Another major pet advocacy organization, the Humane Society of the United States has a blog that covers not only vital care advice that helps you go pet friendly, it keeps you up to date on matters that affect animal welfare. Before taking any trips with pets, you might want to look up some info on the Humane Society blog to learn more about events, accommodations, and investigations into businesses and organizations that may be causing harm to animals.

4: The Instagram #pettravel Tag

Just looking for inspiration for fun trips with pets? Check out Instagram’s #pettravel tag!

Under the #pettravel tag, you’ll find thousands of images of people taking trips with their canine and feline companions. It’s also a great place to find top-quality channels that regularly contribute content about traveling with pets. Whether you’re planning a domestic trip or want to take your pet travel international, you’re sure to find some inspiration here.

5: Fidose of Reality

Have a cocker spaniel? Then this is the perfect pet blog for you to follow! Fidose of Reality is a health and wellness blog that specifically caters to the needs of cocker spaniels (though many of their articles can be applied to other dog breeds as well). From dietary advice, to travel tips, to grooming help, this blog is a top resource for dog owners.

6: Pawcurious

A pet blog run by author and veterinarian Dr. Jessica Vogelsang for over ten years, Pawcurious is a great resource for pet owners who need advice. It holds a ton of information about how to take care of your pets, pet-friendly travel advice for owners of dogs of all ages, and more—all drawn from Dr. Vogelsang’s extensive experience in providing veterinary care and helping pet parents deal with all kinds of issues. This one is definitely worth a read if you have the time.

7: Bodie on the Road

Shopping can be an important part of any travel experience. However, finding pet-friendly travel destinations with shopping that’s as good for your pets as it is for you can be a pain. Enter Bodie on the Road. This dog travel blog follows the adventures of Bodie and his owner, Belinda Jones, as they travel the world. Many of the blogs on this site provide advice about pet-friendly travel, shopping guides for specific cities, and reviews of different toys and dog products. Be sure to give this one a read before your next trip.

The above blogs and resources are just a few of the best ones that you should check out before finalizing your travel plans with your pets. Can’t take your pet with you when you travel because of flight restrictions or other issues? Call (877) My-PetCab to talk about how you can arrange a safe and comfortable journey for your favorite fur baby.


About the Author

My Pet Cab

The MyPetCab team consists of animal lovers who are dedicated to helping your pet travel safely. That’s why we work hard to create useful and informative content for our blog!